Summer (SAQ) Strength, Agility, and Quickness

Summer (SAQ) Strength, Agility, and Quickness

from $25.00

S.A.Q stands for Strength, Agility, and Quickness.

It is vital that our kids core muscle groups are strengthened through body weight exercises & resistance bands for preventative injury measures and also for accelerated court movements, flexibility, strength, and agility.

Times: August 9,10,11,12,16,17,18,19 (Monday through Thursday) 5pm -6pm & August 21 ( Saturday) 9am-10:30am

You can either book individual sessions OR book the entire circuit.

Place: OOB Facility in Fontana, CA

OOB members and non-OOB members welcomed. Also non volleyball players welcomed

Price: $25 per each session ( Monday - Thursday)

$40 for Saturday August 21 session

$200 for entire session - OOB warmup top included with purchase of entire session

S.A.Q. makes a difference and is vital training to give our kids an edge against the competition. S.A.Q. is designed to allow athletes to reach their maximum potential. Through S.A.Q. athletes will increase in flexibility, top speed, and explosiveness. An added benefit of S.A.Q. is that athletes minimize their risk of injury by stabilizing their core muscles through added flexibility and strengthening.

S.A.Q. workouts are based on Division 1 training programs

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Areas of Focus

· Dynamic Warm-ups: Stimulates the brain and muscles (central nervous system) by gradually increasing heart rate and blood flow throughout the body. The dynamic warm-up stretches muscles through a full-range of motion by using momentum and the body’s natural movement.

·Proper Running Mechanics: With correct technique, running is improved through efficient biomechanics which train the body to produce more speed while expending minimal energy.

· Quickness/1st Step Speed: Explosiveness from a static position determines proper acceleration enabling you to reach top end speed faster.

· Maximum Speed: To run at maximum speed, training’s must be conducted at maximum speed to build muscle memory which builds familiarity with proper technique and breathing.

· Resistance Running: Applying resistance against the body forces the muscles of the body to adapt by strengthening and producing more force. Every action initiates a reaction.

· Speed Ladder Drills: Improves foot speed, coordination, body control, and agility through repetitive movement of successive patterns through designated areas.

· Agility Training: Improves body control and change of direction by training the body to accelerate and decelerate through successive short-area exercises.

· Functional Strength & Flexibility: Improve strength and flexibility through exercises that mimic sport specific movements. Training forces the body to produce efficiency with identical patterns used during competitive performance.

· Proper Lifting Technique: Allows athletes to build strength and power through correct form and range-of-motion, stimulating maximal muscle activation and preventing injury.

· Core/Pillar Training: All movement and power begins at the core (center) of the body. A strong core is essential for any type of athletic movement. By building the abs, oblique’s, and lower back, the body is able to transfer energy efficiently from upper body to lower body and from lower body to upper body.

· Plyometrics: Builds explosion and power through successive exercises that challenge the muscles of the body to work in complete synergy. Plyometrics include various exercises that involve a sequence of jumps that challenge distance and height.

· Balance Training: Challenges the proprioception of the body by a series of exercises, forcing the body to engage the correct muscles at the correct time for successful exercise execution.

· Positive Reinforcement: Athletes build self-esteem and confidence when challenged through physical and mental training. Athletes are encouraged and motivate our athletes to build their character.